The following images and descriptions were kindly supplied by Mikey:

The above image is a panorama montage taken on top of the ridge on the south western edge of the plot. Bansko is now to my left, out of shot. The plot extends from just out of shot on the left, past where the three people and car are, and goes beyond the trees just to the right of centre and finishes somewhere behind them, where the field seems to dip away from my viewpoint.

The above image is a Panoramic shot montage composed of 3/4 images and it's taken from the northern end of the St John's Hill site looking towards the south and the Pirin Mountains. Bansko town is behind me and to my right. There is another development called St Ivan Rilski behind me by about 400 yards, and a smaller one known only as the Russian Houses behind and to my left. The ground to my right, the right hand side of the plot, rises to a ridge over which are pine trees (I think), before dropping down towards other developments to the south of Bansko town.

The above image is a single shot taken looking back towards town, and is therefore at the northern end of the plot. Difficult to gauge distance here, but it's not as far to town as it looks - maybe half a mile?

The above image is a single shot that pans across from the St John's Hill 3 shot and is looking at 'The Russian Houses'
This panorama montage is taken from approximately where the car is in the other photo (the top image) and pans the south west ridge that forms the boundary of the site - in other words, it's looking up at where I took the photo that includes the car!